Description of the METRIQ methodology published!

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The METRIQ Study Team is happy to announced the publication of what is certain to be many manuscripts on the METRIQ Study, Leveraging a virtual community of practice to participate in a survey‐based study: A description of the METRIQ Study methodology.1

Link to the Article

This paper does not delve into the results of the METRIQ Study. Rather, it describes how it is that 309 medical students, residents, and physicians from 27 countries were recruited to complete the extensive survey by leveraging connections with a virtual community of practice. We believe that this manuscript will be of interest to anyone interested in recruiting study participants from their own virtual community.

As outlined therein, there is no way that our group could have done what we set out to do with the METRIQ Study without the assistance from the broad Free Open Access Medical education (FOAM) community. To be frank, you folks are awesome. We look forward to recognizing your contribution explicitly in the subsequent METRIQ papers – all of which will be dependent upon the data that you contributed and list you as collaborators. In fact, the first of those papers has recently been accepted by Annals of Emergency Medicine and we look forward to announcing its publication soon

The publishing journal for this article, Academic Emergency Medicine: Education and Training, has been spliced off of the better known Academic Emergency Medicine. Check it out for more details on its goals and future and watch out for its first formal issue in January of 2017. This was the first paper that we have submitted to AEM:ET and we are happy to note that, while their review process was extensive, the resulting modifications were on point and significantly improved our publication. Further, we were pleased to see that they formally got a draft of our manuscript online within FIVE DAYS (!!!) of its formal acceptance. Even better, this version of the manuscript is freely accessible – so go check it out!


Thoma B, Paddock M, Purdy E, et al. Leveraging a virtual community of practice to participate in a survey-based study: A description of the METRIQ Study methodology. AEM Education and Training. November 2016. doi: 10.1002/aet2.10013

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