METRIQ Recruitment

Collaborator recruitment off to a good start at CORD

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Recruitment for the METRIQ Study (Blogs) officially began this week at the 2016 CORD (Council of EM Residency Directors) Conference and is off to a great start! Over the past week 13 medical students, 22 emergency medicine residents, and 27 EM attendings from around North America have signed up to participate in the study and have been sent their study information. That is nearly ONE THIRD of the participants that we need to recruit and we can’t thank you enough for your support.

While 1/3 of the way there is a lot further along than we anticipated being at this point, we still have a long way to go. We would appreciate it if some of the many educators that we met this weekend would consider sending their local medical students, EM residents, and colleagues the link to our study website so they can also participate. Ideally, we would like to complete recruitment for the blog portion of the study by March 31st, 2016.

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