We are hugely appreciative of the time and effort that our collaborators have devoted to The METRIQ Study. We know that you are all busy, but somehow >135 of you have made it a priority to sign up for and complete the study. We can’t thank you enough, but we can try to.
Today the METRIQ Study team launched the Collaborators page. This page contains of everyone who has completed their METRIQ Study rating (up to date to April 4, 2016) and requested acknowledgement (if you are missing or have changed your mind, please let us know so that we can add or remove you from the list). We are tracking study completion closely so that when we publish papers using the data collected by this study we are able to acknowledge your work by formally recognizing you as a METRIQ Study Collaborator in publications derived from this data. Truly, there is no way that this study could occur were it not for your assistance.
Have you completed all of your rating? If not, it’s time to get back to you! Thank you so much for your time.